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Cosmetic Dentistry Visalia
iconWhat is cosmetic dentistry?

The word cosmetic is derived from the Greek word 'cosmetikos,' which refers to an adornment. In today's society, most people want to look their best because physical appearance does play an important role in self-esteem and individual success. It is human nature to attribute positive personality traits to attractive people.

Nowadays, more and more patients require a better final appearance that is not only for mechanical and physiological health but also the aesthetical and pleasing side of their smile has become an important part of the needs dentistry can cover. Whitening, bonding, and veneers have opened the door to a wide range of elective dental treatments in addition to healing and reconstructing damaged teeth; treatments to improve one's appearance, which can also reverse the visible effects of aging.


iconCan cosmetic dentistry fix receding gums?

What are receding gums?

According to the California Dental Association, gums that recede, exposing the root surfaces of teeth, is a typical problem in persons over 40. Many people assume it's just a symptom of getting older, and it is in some circumstances, of wear and tear or years of rigorous teeth brushing. However, receding gums can occasionally be an indication of something more serious. In many cases, receding gums are caused by periodontal disease (gum disease).

So, can cosmetic dentistry fix receding gums? Receding gums is a reversible issue that your dentist can diagnose and cure during regular check-ups. It is important to treat, since the condition of receding gums (or gingivitis) can harm the bone and soft tissues that support the teeth as it advances; periodontitis is the major cause of tooth loss in adults, and is generally preceded by gingivitis.

Cosmetic dentistry can fix receding gums by laser application, it is proven to be an effective and safe method if the choice of laser radiation is suitable for the patient in particular (the doctor will be able to let you know if this kind of treatment is suitable and safe for you), it is just important the precautions indicated by the manufacturer are observed during its use. Other than that, lasers are a real benefit for successful treatments in cosmetic dentistry and all other dentistry areas.


iconCan cosmetic dentistry fix an overbite?

An overbite, in definition, is: when the vertical overlap between the upper and lower incisors surpasses half of the lower incisal tooth height and is associated with soft tissue injuries, a lack of interocclusal space, and tooth wear.

You may ask whether cosmetic dentistry can fix an overbite or not. Well, while treatment choices vary greatly depending on the severity of the condition and the patient's complaints, they can range from a simple removable appliance or splint to not only cosmetic dentistry care, but also multidisciplinary attention such as orthodontics, orthognathic surgery, and restorative dentistry. Fixed restorations or detachable prostheses may be used to decrease the closure of the vertical space, therefore careful examination and treatment planning is essential.

Also, having you express your smile expectations to your dentist is very important to develop a treatment plan that is not only good for the dental tissue but also aesthetically. In the case of cosmetic dentistry, the doctor must decide whether the expectations can be met according to your specific case.

iconIs cosmetic dentistry safe?

The right combination of well-trained and talented doctors and technicians does produce excellent results in the right patients.

In an informative clip, Simon Chard, an experienced Cosmetic Dentist mentions that “Minimally invasive dentistry” is an important philosophy in the profession, which means they want to come up with the most aesthetic results at the least biological cost (meaning the loss of natural teeth structure). The objective is to reach the balance between healthy long-lasting teeth that also look amazing.

iconHow much does cosmetic dentistry cost?

Costs may vary depending on the treatment and products application, these are some average costs on cosmetic interventions.

iconTeeth Whitening

The most effective method for teeth whitening is through laser treatment. We recommend in-office treatments, to ensure safety and best results, these interventions can range from $600 to $1,000.00, depending on the quality or quantity of products used and of course on every patient’s particular case.

iconDental Veneers

Porcelain veneers, which are the best option can cost from $925.00 to $2,500.00 per tooth.

iconDental Bonding

$100 per tooth, on average.

iconDoes insurance cover cosmetic dentistry?

When in doubt, most dental protection suppliers don't cover cosmetic dentistry restoration. They are more oriented to oral wellbeing and preventive practices. But! Some of them decide to include interventions that do improve smile appearance.

iconIs cosmetic dentistry painful?

As with any other dental treatment, neutral, reasonable, and discreet language and information for elective invasive or painful cosmetic procedures should be provided to patients in advance and preferably in writing to advise them and obtain their adequate consent. This should be the agreed basis for the acceptance of cosmetic dental treatment by vulnerable patients.

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